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In Memorium to Bailey - the beautiful fur baby of Kimberly Wilde Warfield and Richard.


Our fur babies are family, they comfort us when we're sad, lonely, ill or defend us when we're in trouble.  There is absolutely nothing like a dog! 


Bailey, deliverer of good will to cancer patients delivered multiple care packages to patients during the COVID pandemic,  to Howard University  Cancer Center, as recent as this past Valentine's Day. He was all dressed up in his bow tie and was quite the support of the day!


Sadly Bailey passed away on Sunday, April 9th, 3 1/2 weeks ago after only being diagnosed with cancer (Lymphoma) 3 weeks before.  Three weeks before he was walking the circle in the community he lived.  The shock of his death is staggering - he was everyone's buddy and loved hugs and rubs and especially was devoted to his best friend, Kimberly Wilde Warfield who took him on hikes, to the beach, shopping and wherever she could take him.  He was her little fur baby.  


On Sunday, several gathered to visit Bailey, he tried to smile but the weight of his illness got the best of him.  He crossed over the Rainbow Bridge that night.  The sadness is real for so many of us who knew and loved him.


For these past weeks, I have been trying to think of the best way to pay tribute to Bailey - it hit me this morning to write a book on dog (cats was also suggested) with cancer.  I recently heard about a beautiful little dog who had breast cancer.  She had surgery and is in recovery - what an education to find out dogs can have breast cancer.  


So I Am asking, if you have a story (of your precious dog/cat that has suffered, is suffering cancer or is no longer with us because of cancer), please share your story.  The book  will be dedicated to the memory of Bailey and  will be compiled and published by me in collaboration with Ken DrSmiley Rochon and @AlGranger of Perfect Publishing.  You can reach me by email or on messenger.  


Thank you for your support and consideration!


We Will Survive Cancer


We Will Survive Cancer (WWSC) is a 501(c)3 Charitable organization

that assists families affected by cancer whose needs are not met by others.
WWSC raises money to serve as a conduit to organizations and individuals to assist the families of cancer patients and address the myriad needs of managing a family, to include, but not limited to child care, family counseling, managing household finances, arranging family transportation to visit the patient, and to provide general assistance to the families of the cancer patients.

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